- House of Book: Myths & Legends of China

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Myths & Legends of China


Title: Myths and Legends of China
Author: E.T.C Werner
Publisher: Gramedia

Many myths and legends are alive and imbued with the China. Gods Kitchen, Sun Wugong, and Guan Yin is a bit of mythical figures of gods and goddesses tangible or ordinary human who became a god, or who have contributed magical animals. They are so often discussed, even believed existed.
What exactly is the myth itself? How to do with the origins of China's society and their living habits? So, what makes these myths and legends can continue to survive, and even affect the lives of people who believe it?
History is so interesting and unique behind the myths and legends presented here makes this book very worth listening to. Not only that! Stories that flow takes you into a magical vortex of struggles, instrik, tricks, and beauty.
Sometimes tragic, the characters adventure in it, including mythical beasts such as dragons Kilin and, to some extent able to give you an idea of the character and nature of China's society then and now.
Must be recognized that if the greatness of a nation is measured by the myths and legends that have, China is one of them. And if the greatness of the real test is the purity and justice, myths and legends of China should be placed as the biggest myths and legends


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