Title: New Wave Marketing : The World is still round, The Market is Already Flat.
Author: Hermawan Kartajaya
Publisher: Gramedia
Facebook, Blog, Web 2.0, Wikipedia, Social Networking, Mobile Marketing, Experiential Marketing, Offline and Online Community. Many-to-Many Marketing. That the terms which very popular in business or marketing in particular latterly. The business landscape is already change and/or being change so quickly, so need new different approaches to anticipate. Marketing concepts that are in the text books at this time become less relevant again in the middle of the main wave of changes triggered by the development of internet technology with its Web 2.0 and the development of mobile technology.
Approach to marketing that is vertical, top-down, and one-to-many approach will be replaced by a horizontal, bottom-up, and peer-to-peer and many-to-many. Legacy Marketing will be replaced by New Wave Marketing. With this approach, marketers can make low-budget activities of high-impact marketing.
The New Wave Marketing consist of 12 Cs:
1. Communitization, 2. Confirming, 3. Clarifying, 4. Coding, 5.Co-Creation, 6. Currency, 7. Activation communal, 8. Conversation, 9. Commercialization, 10. Character, 11. Caring, 12. Collaboration
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