Title: The Compassionate Samurai
Author: Brian Klemmer
Publisher: Ufuk Press
There are two types of people. First, they are good and attentive but not able to accomplish anything. Second, those who can make all things-they the creators, initiators, and aggressive builders in the community. But they often self-centered, greedy, and heartless.
The Compassionate Samurai is a combination of these two types of people. It is a stern figure of the individual, effective, and honorable and virtuous. Is not it great when you can achieve great things in a way that noble without losing your integrity?
This book presents a variety of surefire way to make things wonderful in life. In this book you will find:
* How to be always up in any situation.
* Why only a few who have the freedom, but everyone has freedom.
* What is preventing you to achieve your desires.
* How to stay focused while having fun.
* The secret to work optimally in a less supportive environment.
* The secret can be shifted from shortage to abundance, even if the position you are in debt.
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