Title: Mindset : Winning Strategy for Winning People
Author: J.I Michell Suharli
Publisher: Gramedia
This book shows the secret strategies of 10 people who managed to achieve success. They have some tricks and ways taht we can follow and apply in order to accelerate our journey to success.
Michell began writing with a strategy how to cope a change, which became agents of change itself, not the audience let alone hating change. This book is designed to inspire and encourage the reader to make changes in their lives into a better direction. "Change or Die", if you do not change, you will become extinct crushed by your environment is changing rapidly.
To make changes, you must have a second strategy, which is a dream. Without dreams, your life will be flat and boring. The dream has tremendous power to change your life, the people around you, your environment, even the world. This strategy is followed by a series of complementary strategies so as to bring you.
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