Title: Half Empty, Half Filled
Author: Parlindungan Marpaung
Publisher: Mutiara Qolbun Salim
Positive outlook will greatly affect the effectiveness of the work, even the motion of our lives. Through this perspective, will indirectly affect the quality of life and how life has value. That is why those who have a positive outlook will have a willingness to do more (the desire to do more than required) and have the character of workers intelligent (smart worker). Individuals who have a positive outlook, personally will also be able to map the competencies and interests, so he would know where and how he develops. People who have a positive outlook is generally believed that the completed work is the way of life (way of life) rather than how to life (what life). Through the book of Half Empty Half Filled, Parlindungan Marpaung invites us to develop a positive attitude in the meaning of life.
This is a book that will change your perspective on the challenges, difficulties and choices to be positive. More than that, typical of the stories presented in this book will build and spur optimism alive, as is stated Zig Ziglar. Real optimism is aware of the problem and identify solutions. Knowing the difficulty and believe that the difficulties could be overcome. Negative view, but stressed that positif. Facing the worst, but hoping for the best. Has reason grumbling, but choose to smile.
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