Title: Big Dream Big Success
Author: Eko Suhartanto, Safitri Siswono, Vanessa Ingrid
Publisher: Elexmedia Komputindo
If you are someone who thinks that the dream is just sheer nonsense and you are even too afraid to dream big and are not sure of that, then we say from the outset that this book is not for you! However, if you are a person who believes that dreams can come true and you can be successful even so, we will help to realize your dreams. This book is not just talking about the dreams and ideals, but also a way to begin to realize that dream, manage, and overcome the obstacles that appear in the middle of the road. This book speaks in a business context, with a lifting experience and cases of real business carried on by students when they were still in college. Narrated how they tried to implement business theory and skills in practice. This book consists of 5 parts, and each section consists of several chapters. The first section discusses the power of ideals. The second section invites readers to move from his ideals and began to act, recognize opportunities, and develop strategies to take advantage of these opportunities.The third part examines technical business skills required to create opportunities. The fourth section presents the conflicts that arise in running a business while in college and how to overcome them. The fifth section shows the opinions of entrepreneurs on entrepreneurship and business are run from the school.
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