Title: Hypnosis in Selling
Author: Johannes Lim
Publisher: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Selling In hypnosis really great and very effective way to influence emotions and behavior of prospects so can easily believe and buy. Satisfied or not you are on the selling skills you have take in hand , the techniques in this book will be highly inflated your effectiveness as a Sales Person. Materials and methods contained in this book have been tested through public workshops as much as 37 armed and tens of inhouse seminars. Thousands of people have experienced and felt virulence.
John Lim is a first Doctor of Business and only one in Indonesia, which combine two different disciplines into an extraordinary synergy, ie, Fast Track Selling Technique (a sales technique that could shut eight of every 10 sales transactions interview) and Hypnosis (a technique suggestive persuasion that has been used by doctors since the 16th century, to help the patient, before anesthesia preparations was found).
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